UNIPD project for the course Web application, it’s a web app for managing electronic invoices in Italy (fattura elettronica)
Analysis of the socio-economics aspects of the COVID pandemic in Los Angeles
The objective of this project is to propose an ontology that can effectively handle socio-economic information about the population of Los Angeles
GIS project for waters control
Project for the course GIS:
monitoring bodies of water of the province of Belluno with active citizenship
Team CLOSE on Temporal Persistence of IR Systems Performance
This paper presents the work of the CLOSE group, a team of students from the University of Padua,
Italy, for the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) LongEval LAB 2023 Task 1
This website!
My personal portfolio made with nextjs on the front end with: material UI and accernity UI. The back end is supabase. CD with GitHub actions and docker